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Friday, May 28, 2010

Chapter 43 on the horizon...

Chapter 42 ended today... my characters surprised me a few times today.  That's always fun!  The story is spinning itself toward the finishline, I can feel the threads weaving into a solid pattern.

Looking forward to seeing where it all goes...

Friday, May 14, 2010

First Rejection... I have ARRIVED!!

So, today I got my first rejection slip... my first badge of courage in a writer's world... bittersweet excitement!

I have ARRIVED!!

Writing... writing... writing!!

Spurred by my new glasswork creatures... last Fall I began a new journey. One where the pictures in my head could take on life in the form of words. Then the floodgates opened, and I couldn't stop the words from moving and growing.

Four children's stories, plus illustrations, and 38 chapters of an adult novel later... plus countless new ideas... and I think I'm hooked on writing.

Time will tell if it is meant to be, or just a season, but the ride sure had been exciting!

Perhaps I've finally found the glass slipper to my fairytale.